Hi Friends! How are you!? I wanted to take this time to fill you in on something before my hot & cold posts/occasional writing really sneaks up on you. As you may or may not know, I was a High School English teacher before staying at home with my son. I love teaching and have always wanted to return in some capacity...I just didn't know how. Well, just (very) recently, I was contacted by my son's preschool looking to hire an associate teacher in the 1 year old class. I don't know the specifics, but at the last minute (literally 1 week before class started) between losing a teacher and gaining a ton of late students, they were in dire need. I honestly felt like God was placing this beautiful opportunity in my lap and I would have been a fool to turn it down. My son LOVES his little school and everyone there...and now we get to go to school together, have our separate/fulfilling days, come home together, and I still get to put him down for his nap in his own bed. I get to check in on him (not that I need to), watch him play on the playground through my window and still sneak in some occasional kisses as we pass in the hallway. For right now it is the perfect scenario for everyone in my family and I'm admittedly (and shockingly) enjoying it. I wasn't sure how I would tolerate going from teaching 14 year olds to 1 year olds, however the similarities are uncanny. Just kidding! But in all seriousness, my new job is wonderful!
Unfortunately...this means that something that I use to spend my morning and early afternoons dedicated to (I.E. the blog) has had to be put on a temporary back burner while I adjust to this "new normal." Whereas, Wake used to be my alarm and I did all my emails & link-ups over coffee in the morning, I am now setting an alarm so I can shower before W gets up and not logging on to the computer until 3 every afternoon. Yikes! So please accept my apology if you have been wondering where I went the past 2 weeks (I've been funneling Lysol so as to build up my immune system), and please be patient with me as I learn to balance this new schedule. I am in NO WAY abandoning Pampers & Pearls or you (we have WAY too many fun things coming up) I just can't always guarantee the consistent posts at this present moment.
So, now that that's all done...let's link-up and see what all your wonderful peeps have been musing over this week.
* Interested in being a co-host!? Email me at pampersandpearls {at} gmail {dot} com.
Mid Week Muse is a linkup party every Wednesday. Submit your favorite fashion related post from that week and link it up here at Pampers &Pearls. Fellow bloggers and readers are one of our greatest sources of inspiration, and we hope you will join us and share your “muse.”
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Labels: change, family, lifestyle, Mid Week Muse, Thoughts